Frequently asked questions
- What is chewing gum?
- What is gum base?
- Is it true that chewing gum is good for oral hygiene and has other benefits as well?
- What can you tell me about other ingredients in chewing gum?
- Why is there generally no expiration date for chewing gums?
- Can chewing gum contain animal-derived ingredients?
- Can chewing gum contain allergenic substances?
- Is gum safe to swallow?
- Is there a risk of choking when chewing gum is swallowed?
- At what age can children begin chewing gum?
Contact us
c/o Keller and Heckman
Keller and Heckman LLP
1001 G Street NW
Suite 500 West
Contact us
Can chewing gum contain animal-derived ingredients?
With some exceptions, chewing gum generally does not contain animal-derived ingredients. Gelatin is one example of an animal derived ingredient which can be used to give a specific texture to some chewing gum products, in particular to pellet gum. When animal-derived ingredients are used in chewing gum, they are used in compliance with all appropriate safety and quality standards and they are clearly indicated on the product package in full compliance with domestic and international labeling regulations.
Should consumers have specific questions regarding the potential use of gelatin or other animal-derived products in a specific chewing gum product, ICGA advises consumers to check directly with the manufacturer of the product.